Off the Broom – Kincardine team wins late draw at men’s bonspiel
The second session of curling is now under way and will continue until mid-February. There will be a third session to follow and you can register for it at any time, if you already have not done so.
The senior men’s bonspiel circuit has again begun and involves curlers from around Grey and Bruce counties. Kincardine hosted Wednesday, Dec. 4; however, the spiel was not completed due to unfortunate circumstances.
The Thursday afternoon curlers got into the Christmas spirit when they held their fifth annual Turkey Shoot party, Dec. 19. The curlers were decked out in their finest festive sweaters and hats. The lucky winner of the turkey was Gerard Lang.
The junior curlers are doing great in the Grey Bruce Minor League! Our “A” team, Team Hunter, competed in the Under 15 (U15) Stroud tour event in December. At the same time, the “B” team was competing elsewhere in the last minor league game of the year. Team Court lost both games but was able to hold on to first place in the “B” league. Teams in this newly-formed league include Kincardine, Port Elgin, Markdale, Owen Sound, Chesley, and Williamsford.
Our regular Sunday junior curlers are back at it after the holiday break. Convener Peter Newton would welcome anyone who would like to come out and help with the juniors.
In the Grey Bruce Major League, as they broke for the Christmas holidays, Kincardine’s Les Shane was sitting at a 1-2 record. Games were to resume Jan. 8.
Our annual men’s bonspiel was held Saturday, Jan. 4, with 16 teams participating. Taking first place in the early draw was the Blenheim team of Mark Patterson, Ed DeSchutter, Nick Katzenberger and Joe Lucier. This team was also last year’s winners.
The late draw winners were the Kincardine team of Les Shane, Nate Capeling, Sam Corbett and Michael Yun. With the exception of Les, the other three curlers are all products of our junior curling program from years ago. It was good to see the McFadyen clan again, having come to Kincardine for countless years to support our men’s spiel.
Convener Cathy Alcombrack and her crew put on a great day for the guys. Thanks to Les Shane for getting the door prizes from the Kincardine Golf Course, Quick Lube, Miller Insurance and Dairy Queen — the winners of the draws were very pleased with their prizes.
Winning the early draw at the Kincardine men’s bonspiel, Saturday, is the Mark Patterson team of Blenheim
Winning the late draw at the men’s bonspiel, was the Les Shane team of Kincardine, featuring Michael Yun (left), Sam Corbett, Nate Capeling and Les Shane
The next bonspiel will be our Mixed spiel which will be held Saturday, Feb. 1. It already has both draws filled, and should be a good one!
Written ByAnne Burton is the press reporter for the Kincardine Curling Club.
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