Kincardine okays agreement with Bulldogs for video-streaming of hockey games
Kincardine council has approved a five-year agreement with the Kincardine Bulldogs Hockey Club of the Provincial Junior Hockey League (PJHL), to video-stream the games at the Davidson Centre in Kincardine.
At the council meeting Wednesday night (Jan. 8), community services director Jayne Jagelewski said that the league approached host communities of Junior “C” teams to consider broadcasting the games live at their arenas.
Jagelewski said the proposed agreement removes any municipal responsibility as it pertains to Freedom of Information requests, and confirms that this responsibility rests with the Bulldogs club.
She said the PJHL has entered into a five-year agreement with a third-party provider for the purposes of live-streaming all PJHL games. Cameras will record only the playing surface and will be turned on only to capture warm-up and games of the Bulldogs. All games will be streamed through and will be used for coaching and administrative use of the league.
In working with the Kincardine Bulldogs, the commissioner of the PJHL, and the municipal solicitor, staff has developed an agreement that articulates a number of items for the benefit of all parties as well as the protection of patrons attending Junior “C” games at the Davidson Centre, said Jagelewski. The agreement acknowledges that the Bulldogs club will have sole responsibility and implementation of the costs of the cameras as well ownership of any pending Freedom of Information requests.
Signage will be installed, prior to any streaming occurring, and will be approved by the municipality.
Council approved the agreement.
Written ByLiz Dadson is the founder and editor of the Kincardine Record and has been in the news business since 1986.
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