Local trustee gives update on progress toward a new high school in Kincardine
To the Editor:
I recognize that many in our community are anxious to hear news on the progress of the new Kincardine District Senior School (KDSS) replacement build that will accommodate students in Grades 7-12.
As the Bluewater District School Board area trustee, I would like to share where we stand with this project.
Our board currently serves approximately 18,600 students in 40 elementary and nine secondary schools across Bruce and Grey counties, with about 3,700 permanent and casual staff. There are 10 trustees who comprise the board of trustees. We are funded by the Ontario Ministry of Education and follow the Education Act and regulations. Essentially, the ministry is our employer, and we work closely with our municipal partners.
When our board first received ministry approval in 2020 to build a replacement for KDSS, we did not have appropriate land in Kincardine to accommodate the project. As part of the process, any land purchase must be approved and funded by the ministry.
Shortly after the funding announcement, board staff consulted the community through an on-line survey on the preference for a location. Our staff worked diligently to find appropriate land based on the community feedback received in the survey. Staff also worked closely with Municipality of Kincardine development planners and Bruce County planners to find appropriate land, while meeting all ministry regulations (keeping in mind that the ministry is the purchaser).
Since 2020, our staff has also been using our School Site Selection Guidelines to evaluate potential sites.
While we experienced some delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, staff pursued a particular parcel of land (meeting provincial regulations) before determining that the board would be unable to proceed with purchasing. During this time, other land options were considered, but unfortunately, were deemed unsuitable.
Staff has been looking at another potential land site in the Kincardine area that would meet our needs. Ministry discussions are under way to advance the funding request application for land as quickly as possible.
Since this is a property purchase, and therefore, considered a private in-camera matter for our board, I am limited in what I can share at this point. However, I can say that the board has already approved the design of the building and pre-authorized staff to enter into a purchase and sale agreement on the property.
Like many in the community that I serve and advocate for, I have been frustrated by the length of time and complications of this project. However, please be assured that discussions are actively continuing, and all parties directly involved are committed to ensuring this project advances as quickly as possible.
I remain thankful that, after many years of advocacy, we finally received approval from the province to build a replacement for KDSS, and look forward to some news on its progress in the near future.
If you are not already doing so, I encourage you to monitor our New Build – KDSS web page, which has been specifically created for updates on the build project as information becomes available.
Jan Johnstone
Bluewater District School Board
Trustee and vice-chairperson
Municipality of Kincardine/Township of Huron-Kinloss
Director, Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA)
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